Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Don't ask, Don't tell -- but I masturbate to the thought of you.

Ok, now Obama just really crosses the line at bringing "hope" to the American people.  He wants to ban the "don't ask, don't tell" policy put in place to protect the privacy of troops.  As prior service I know what type of quarters are shared among the same sex.  Obama needs to be put in a locker room full with 60 other men and told that there are several men in the locker room that find him attractive.  To enhance what they would be feeling toward Obama, Obama needs to first be put in a locker room of about 60 females, so he will understand the sexual attraction the men would feel towards him.  Instead of making the 5-7% of troops happy to be themselves sexually, he his putting in jeapordy the state of mind of the other 90+% of troops. 

Dear President Obama,

You are trying to appease the American people and forget about who your decisions really affect.  Stop listening to the hot air blown up your ass on a daily basis and put yourself in their shoes.  Stop being stupid.

Your boss... an American Citizen!

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