Thursday, September 17, 2009

12 babies = A vaginal aneurysm

A woman is having 12 babies in England, to upstage OctoMom!

"12 Babies at once = One broke ass vagina. I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy. Not only is this sick, immoral and a waste of tax player's just down right fucking disturbing. She is basically giving birth to a litter of puppies. This is what happens when people play god and fuck with fertility treatments. You weren't meant to have kids due to natural selection (Darwinism of you Uterus) asshat doctors go and play god and shit like this happens. I'm literally so mortified that I can't even come up with coherent thoughts. If this woman gets one stitch of welfare like that OctoMom Whore, I'm going to personally march to Congressional Hill and call to arms my fellow tax payer who are sick of supporting fucking tards like this. (Yes, I know the one packing a dozen isn't from the US, but it's just raising the bar for attention seeking morons here.)" Kristy M.

Humans are NOT meant to have 'litters' of children!  There is a reason for this  -- our bodies aren't capable of sustaining the physical and psychological stress of having dozens of children at once, she'll be lucky if all the children makes it to adulthood without some form of emotional handicap, as she might not meet the needs of all them when needed.

I hate retarded people.

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