Sunday, December 28, 2008


you know those moments that you hate to see come but at the same time you've been waiting for it. my mother has been staying with me and my family for about 4 months; through those 4 months we have went through transitions. my mother decided to stop smoking after 39 years and she has been successful and I'm so very proud of her. however it has been a challenge to live with her and she has stuffed everything in the house in her mouth. well she leaves in a couple days and I'm going to miss her so much, but I also want to push her out the door now. lol i said it wasn't easy! :)

i'm looking forward to a new year (2009). i always like new beginnings; it is like smelling the first snow or the earth after a hard rain. that past is clear and the future has nothing but a beautiful outlook. :)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Crap Tuesdays

Well it is a Tuesday and ever since I can remember...Tuesdays are the worst day of the week.  Everything springs up on a Tuesday, but today is okay.  The weather here in DC is beautiful and my son, Connor, is down for a nap.  As I sip on a diet coke out on my back patio, I decided to take a moment to BLOG!
Well just to update everyone.  Barkley is no longer with us; he had to go!  He started to dominate Connor by biting his legs, pushing him down, growling at him, ect....not it the 'trying to toughen him up' kind of way either.  It is more like finding a dead corpse in my house type of way....not good.  I just hope Connor wasn't traumatized by that experienced.  He seems to do well around other dogs though.
I got to spend some the wonderful 4th of July weekend with my good friend Keron (aka: loser, Kdog, Keronian, hey you, the black frenchman).  I got to meet his lovely girl friend and wonder how much he paid her to come up.  lol  It was good to spend some time with him.  He's my oldest friend from my military experience...we go all the way back to basic training!!  lol  Good times!  Everyone knows that I enjoy a good laugh and can find humor in most anything, especially serious situations.  Well good ol' Keron got to see me laughing in the "push up" position during boot camp.  The training instructors don't really like you laughing, needless to say.  Like I said, "GOOD TIMES!"  I get to see them again Labor Day weekend at Virginia Beach...woohoo!
So I have about 7 weeks until my friend Kim gets married.  I'm so excited to see her and Brent tie the knot...and I hear it is going to be an aerobic workout.  I'm not Catholic, nor ever been in a Catholic ceremony but I guess we get on our knees alot. (hmmm)  I'm also super excited to see my friend, Heather, whom I haven't seen in FOREVER!  (Thanks for meeting me in STL, Heather)
Well I have to get back to my day...I'm a busy girl! :)  Ok, I just need another diet.

Ok so I just got off the phone with one of my old neighbors in Montana-- here is the crap Tuesday report-- two of my other neighbors were in an automobile accident yesterday and are in critical condition.  I might be taking a trip back to Montana if they don't pull through. =(

Sunday, June 29, 2008

my mother

I get so angry with my mother sometimes. She always gets herself in these horrible situations. She is almost 50 years old and though she is wise in many things, she always ALWAYS tries to go the cheapest way with everything. My mother bought a house last fall for a mere $14k in a small town. Yes it sounds like too good to be is! I saw the house this past spring, it wasn't really bad but it still needed a lot of work.

My mother is the typical lower-middle class woman. She wants the American dream. My mom has been married and divorced a handful of times, so she has decided to live her life alone for the rest of her life. She wants a two bedroom home, with a cute back yard to grow her garden, in a small town with a charming church. However the problem mother is also a truck driver. She never has enough money or enough time.

Here recently my mother had a roof leak in her house. She found out she needed a part of her roof completely replaced. Well instead of hiring a professional, she hired two young guys who supposedly had roofing experience; supplies and labor she payed them almost $3500. Well the boys weren't the smartest guys and after 2 weeks "fixing" the roof the guys said the roof was done. It rained about a week later and she found out that her roof was still leaking. Needless to say she was out of money and her "help" was out of town.

Before she hired these guys I advised her to just go to a professional, but she wouldn't listen. Now she is out $3500 and she didn't have any money to fix her roof leak. Well the midwest has been hit with a lot of rain and that rain is leaking into my mothers house, her ceiling collapsed. This cycle continues so I will spare you the agony of reading the rest.

My mother has always wanted to find the cheapest way out of things, but she gets what she pays for. However she never listens to me and it always costs her in the end. Why won't parents take advice from their children?

Saturday, March 8, 2008

In the words of Chris Rock

"You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named:  Bush, Dick, and Colon!"
That is so funny and TRUE!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Home from Vegas

So I came home a week early from Vegas.  David hurt his back and ended up in the emergency room.  Most of you know it is hard enough taking care of a toddler by yourself and then  not being able to move would make things much harder (that was his situation).  I had to come home to take care of both of my babies.  I knew Dave wouldn't get off the couch to feed himself because he was in too much pain and Connor would be fed PB&J's for the rest of the week.  So it was in my best interest to come home early.
The two weeks in Vegas was great.  I was really tired of the planes flying over all the time at Nellis.  My room would vibrate and not in the good  I caught a few shows and done a little gambling.  I went to Studio 54 for about 45 minutes-- the club scene is definitely not for me anymore.  I would rather be in a lounge so I can hear the person I am talking with.
Also for those who don't know...I will be reenlisting soon (probably this week).  I also may have to go back to Vegas for 6 months in November; however that is still far enough away for things to change. 
The highlight of my trip was definitely seeing my good friend Angie.  It had been almost 5 years since I had seen her but it definitely didn't feel like 5 years.  I believe "true friends" have the capability of picking up where they left off.  I can't wait to see her again.
It was a good trip and a mini-vacation; but I'm so very excited being home with my family.  Vegas is fun but extremely overrated.