A woman who had suffered a great affliction offered a beautifully practical plan for happiness:
"I have had nothing I could give others but myself," she often said, "and so I resolved that I would never sadden anyone with my troubles. I have laughed and told jokes when my heart writhed with agony. I have smiled in the face of misfortune. I have tried to let everyone go away from my presence with a happy word and a bright memory to carry with them. I know now that happiness begets happiness, and I myself am much happier than I would have been had I sat down wringing my hands and bemoaning my fate."
Let this be a message to all of those who doubt their effort to give anything. Try to smile and give yourself with a happy undertone. :) Everyone suffers from their own adversities. Adversity is truely a part of life--there will always be something that will come up. Smile and roll with the flow--it will pass whether you worry about it or not.
"I have had nothing I could give others but myself," she often said, "and so I resolved that I would never sadden anyone with my troubles. I have laughed and told jokes when my heart writhed with agony. I have smiled in the face of misfortune. I have tried to let everyone go away from my presence with a happy word and a bright memory to carry with them. I know now that happiness begets happiness, and I myself am much happier than I would have been had I sat down wringing my hands and bemoaning my fate."
Let this be a message to all of those who doubt their effort to give anything. Try to smile and give yourself with a happy undertone. :) Everyone suffers from their own adversities. Adversity is truely a part of life--there will always be something that will come up. Smile and roll with the flow--it will pass whether you worry about it or not.